Greatest Best Picture of All Time: New Millennium, Round 1
When a person sets out to watch every single movie ever awarded "Best Picture", a person learns things about the entertainment industry, film preservation, public libraries, special effects, and oneself. Among these lessons is, "it is currently easier to get ahold of very old or very new movies than it is to get ahold of movies of intermediate age." This is due to the intersection of copyright law and the law of supply and demand. Brick-and-mortar libraries tend to keep newer movies in stock, so as to attract patrons who just missed them in theaters. Online streaming services tend to have easier access to old stuff that's passed into the public domain, or at least into the domain of cheap royalties. Movies of middling age might, or might not, pop up in either place. I say all this by way of explaining why, for the fourth entry in this tournament, I have skipped forward in the timeline of Oscar-winning films, to Chicago (2002) vs. Birdman (2013) ...