The Days Of Our Lives
Today - November 21, 2019 - is the 3,000th day since I injured my spine. I remember the exact date of the injury (September 4, 2010) because it was the same day that I was issued my Massachusetts EMT license. That night, while taking a shower, I leaned forward...and broke my back. Yup, apparently it's just that easy to wreck your physical health. Sleep tight, dear readers! As it happens, today is also the day on which I leave a job I've done for 4 years. If 4 years does not sound like a long time, keep in mind that I've been organizing volunteer programs longer than I've ever done any other type of job. (Excepting my work in my grandmother's auction barn, which was less regular but went on for longer.) My last day of work calls to mind several other days. For one, there's November 20, 2014, the day I interviewed for this job. I was 12 weeks out from my second spinal surgery (and only 4 weeks out from a car accident that majorly set back my recovery). I was st...